The Thing About Grey Squirrels is…

What is the most important job we do in our woodland? Without a doubt, it’s controlling grey squirrels. I do this throughout the late spring and summer to prevent grey squirrels from bark stripping the trees that I have spent the winter favouring with my thinning and...

Biodiversity at the Margins

A biodiverse landscape is a beautiful landscape, where diversity creates endless interest for our senses. Wild cherry (Prunus avium) along the woodland margins delights with spring blossom, abuzz in this sheltered, sunny aspect with pollinating insects. The summer...

Spikey times in Coed Eithin (Gorse Wood)

These trees are into their 7th growing season and are competing well with the gorse. We first cut the gorse in 2014 before planting (and had a tremendous crop of firewood out of the job). At this point it was about 15ft tall and you could easily walk beneath it! It...