Please use the links below to access David’s MSc dissertation (Bangor University, 2019).

His research had 3 major themes:

Timber Potential – Estimate of time taken for timber stems to come on-line in a mixed broadleaf plantation undergoing transformation to CCF

Carbon – Estimate of carbon in a 26 year old woodland (Forest Research Carbon Protocol – assessment of above ground carbon held in trees and shrubs over 7cm dbh)

Public funding – comparison of the government support for the Bron Haul woodland creation and management compared with business-as-usual agricultural grants

Growing broadleaf for timber

Coed Ifan winning tree post-third thin

David Brown MSc Dissertation Bangor University 2019

Executive Summary of Dissertation 2019

Please message us with any queries regarding the content. We would be happy to explain anything that doesn’t seem clear. Also, we’d be delighted to know if you use the content either to help guide your woodland management or as part of your own research