Peak Blossom 2024

Peak Blossom 2024

The end of April is peak blossom time in our woodland. The black thorn in the field hedges and the Gorse at the woodland edges are the first to appear. As the first leaves start to open, the cabin is soon disappearing amongst the cherry blossom. And the subtle scent...

The View

Giving into weariness at the end of a working day, arms drop, head rises, senses make way. Celebrating domination of the highest perch, a song thrush answers its own questions. A watchful fox winds triumphant jaws dripping with gralloch from a recent kill. A brief...

The Secret life of Fallow Deer

My name is Owain Barton – I am a PhD student at Bangor University. The project I am working on focuses on the fallow deer population in the Elwy Valley region of North Wales. Deer are among the most treasured and charismatic wildlife species in Britain. They are...

Beast from the East for Spring Beauty

Our media has taken to demonising cold winter blasts, with headlines alerting us to forecasts of the ‘Beast-from-the-East’. But how lovely it has been to have a winter with some real winter weather! At Bron Haul, we had snow twice in January 2021, which stayed on the...

Biodiversity at the Margins

A biodiverse landscape is a beautiful landscape, where diversity creates endless interest for our senses. Wild cherry (Prunus avium) along the woodland margins delights with spring blossom, abuzz in this sheltered, sunny aspect with pollinating insects. The summer...