Woodland Pioneers 2021 – Greenwood Skills Jamboree!

As a part of my new experience with broadleaf.wales I got the chance to take part in the Woodland Pioneers course 2021. Here I was given the chance to spend 4 days in the woods, each day learning and crafting a new greenwood product from scratch. It was amazing to be...

The Secret life of Fallow Deer

My name is Owain Barton – I am a PhD student at Bangor University. The project I am working on focuses on the fallow deer population in the Elwy Valley region of North Wales. Deer are among the most treasured and charismatic wildlife species in Britain. They are...

25 years looking for a Plank

I had spent the last 25 years looking for a plank. A friend had once cut around a plank of ash the outline of a canoe paddle. It sat against his yard wall for years. I never found out if he ever finished it. I could clearly imagine it, taking a 3-dimensional shape and...