The right tree in the right place is a great way of storing carbon. As well as their great mass being a carbon sink, temperate broadleaf woodland is one of the best land uses to help build mineral soil carbon levels.
Add to this, the methane emissions that are no longer being produced by the sheep that once grazed the land at Bron Haul Farm, and we’re on to a carbon-busting winner!
In January 2018, we measured the carbon captured by our trees in a 1.2ha block of mixed broadleaf woodland using the Forestry Commission’s Carbon Assessment Protocol. This estimates the carbon held in the crown, stem and roots of the trees. Our measurements showed an equivalent of 250 tonnes of carbon dioxide was captured in this 22 year old woodland!
Now undergoing its third thinning, some of this timber is being used for fencing, gate making and a small amount has been planked, storing this carbon in enduring products, whilst stimulating the woodland into another spurt of carbon capture.
Want to complete our supply chain? Our first planked timber is now available to inspire your next project!
The carbon measuring data were collected as part of David’s Forestry MSc dissertation (Bangor University, 2019).
Executive Summary of David’s Dissertation