Who are we?

We are converting 20 hectares of mixed broadleaf plantation to productive continuous cover forestry on Bron Haul Farm, North Wales. Our business Broadleaf Wales sells products from our woodland and shares our skills and experience with you through courses, mentoring and woodland management planning. Join us on our journey turning pasture, gorse and bracken land into biodiverse, beautiful and productive woodland!


Our 30 (and 11) year old woodland is being repeatedly recognised for the high quality of its management. We welcome you to discover the secrets of success with our woodland management and grey squirrel control courses.

We already have seasoned timber for your next fabulous woodworking project! Arrange a visit to choose your boards.

Through this site we’ll be keeping you posted on our work both in the older woodland and the new plantation, sharing our species sightings as we create more opportunities for biodiversity and taking you with us on our journey into new products as our woodland develops. Oh yes, and letting you know what we have for sale!




We are members of The Royal Forestry Society, Woodland Heritage, Landworkers’ Alliance and Nature Friendly Farming Network.